Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tassels redux

I've been playing with tassels again.

It's not an obsession. I can go months with hardly a glance at my tassel-making supplies. Then, all of a sudden, inspiration strikes.

This first idea started with a gift bag from my birthday last year. It was such a cool bag--glossy white with black dots and stripes--that I had to translate it into something. Ergo...
Once I'd made the head, I stalled. What kind of a skirt did it call for? I tried one of  peach silk--didn't work. I made another of variegated blue ribbon yarn--cool skirt, but not for this head. (I'll be finishing up that tassel this week sometime.) The next was made of fall-colored ribbon yarn. It's now gracing a needle-felted pumpkin head--one of my faves. But nothing was working for this head. Then I stumbled across some recycled sari silk ribbon yarn here on Etsy.

 Lovely, isn't it? And it made a great tassel skirt. See--

Here's a shot of the whole thing.
The ruff was made from eyelash yarn and embroidery thread I already had. (I'm working on adding ruffs to all the tassels I have on hand. I think it adds a finishing touch lacking in my earlier attempts.)

This is one I made last September. 
Here it is with a ruff I made of some leftover fringe. 

Makes a world of difference, doesn't it?

Another from last September.

And with the ruff. (I'm liking this ruff; it was an elastic bracelet with wooden bell bangles that I picked up at a thrift store in Arlington last August. My sis Ginger thought it might work with tassels. She was right, though I don't think this is what she had in mind.)

Here's a closer look at the bracelet/ruff. Kinda cool, huh?

That's as far as I've gotten with the tassels. Now I need to find a way to photograph them to good advantage. I see a lot of shots on an angle. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow from my bedpost.

Have a good one, y'all. And thanks for stopping by.



Diann said...

Oh, these tassels turned out beautiful! I really need to try my hand at making one! they are so pretty!

TexNan said...

Thanks, Diann. I've been thinking of doing a tutorial 'cept my way is time-consuming, and most people are perfectly content to make it the easier, shorter way. Now why would that be? ;^)

Kranky Granny said...

This looks like a craft project I could really get into. I love tassels.

Thanks for the visit my way. Glad to hear that you and your hubby worked out the kinks.