Thursday, October 15, 2009

Back Again

It's been awhile, hasn't it? Funny how not posting here makes me feel guilty and the longer I don't the harder it becomes to do. But here I am, trying.

A week ago last Sunday, I think Tom had a heart attack. Looks awful writing it down, but not as bad as the reality. And what's almost as bad is the uncertainty. I think.... Maybe not.... But what if....

By the time the paramedics came, he seemed fine. Still we took him to the ER and they did a number of tests, none of which showed the markers left by heart attacks. The next day, we contacted our cardio guy who scheduled a number of tests. And no it's not Dr. Tracey's fault we're only doing the stress test today. We really had become complacent--there was no evidence of a heart attack either syptomatically or in the tests they ran--so since it didn't fit into his schedule, Tom postponed it. Then we heard anecdotal information about silent heart attacks, and I looked it up on the web. They don't feel like heart attacks, which is why they're called silent, and they don't always leave markers. Now we're worried.

This afternoon he has the stress test. For the first time ever they're chemically inducing it. I don't want to go where that leads: he's always walked the treadmill, even after his quad bypass seventeen years ago. (Funny, that anniversary is next Monday.)

There'll be another test next Monday, and then he sees the doc on Thursday.

When I started this, I hadn't intended to go into so much detail. I haven't deserted y'all, just taking a hiatus until we get in a better place, which I'm hoping will be very soon.

Keep your fingers crossed, y'all. And a prayer or two wouldn't be taken amiss.



number6 said...

Glad I chose today to check your blog - since the posting is pretty sporatic (as is my ability to get the comments into your world properly.) Though this was a tough one to post, I apprecaite your letting us know what's going on.

I would try to convince you not to worry because he is in good hands, but I know you will anyway. Just know that you're both in my prayers and I am here for whatever/whenever you might need me.

TexNan said...

Thanks, Ginge. Of course, I know you're there for us. Hopefully, we'll get through this just fine. I mean, it is Tom we're talking about, right? He's gonna be fine. I'll call you after we get through with the test, let you know what we know. (I can't remember how quickly we've known in the past though Tracy's usually right there while it's going on.)

Mary Keenan said...

fingers + toes, and tons of prayers. As you say: it's Tom!

number6 said...

It's Tom and things are going to be fine. Max and I are waiting for your commands. Check your regular email before you leave in AM
