Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pinterest Pass or Fail--French Onion Salisbury Steak and a few other recipes

I'm open to trying pretty much anything when it comes to recipes. Some I make for myself; others, if I think the hub will eat them, I make for us both. (He is a picky eater.)

I've tried a few lately I'd like to share, beginning with the French Onion Salisbury Steak at Will Cook for Smiles.
I'm not much of a beef eater, though, of course, the hub is. When I saw this recipe, I thought it might be something even I would like.  And, honest, when I tasted it, I actually went "mmm!" I seldom do that with anything I make at home, never with beef!
With it, I served Pioneer Woman's Crash Hot Potatoes. It's an excellent recipe, as hers generally are, and one I've made several times. One thing I've learned is to leave it in the oven longer than the recipe calls for. The longer you leave it, the crispier it gets, and who doesn't love crispy?
This last recipe I made for myself only--hub's not a veggie fan. I wasn't as pleased with Everything Fab's Mozzarella, Tomato, and Avocado Salad as I thought I'd be, though I'm not sure why. I'll definitely try it again, but next time I'll use a balsamic reduction rather than the lemon juice called for. I like the heartiness of balsamic, and this combination of veggies should carry it off.

So--pass or fail? A hearty pass on the first two, a milder one on the third.

Oh, and btw, Happy Easter, y'all!

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