Friday, March 6, 2009


This has been a week of distraction. My apologies for not being around. And today company's coming. All week I've been thinking spring but have done nothing yet to springify. Still, spring's a comin' whether I'm ready or not. Outside my mountain laurel's blooming, as well as a bush I've forgotten the name of. (It'll come to me someday.) 

One thing I did though was rearrange the top of a lawyer's bookcase in my living room. This is the best before pic I can find.

After reading a Nester post about tablescapes,  I decided to try it. Here's the after 

And a closer image:

Okay, my behind pic should be taller, but I used what I have. (Actually I have taller pics in storage but not quickly available.) The behind picture came from a calendar I got in Washington state several years ago, a photo of a painting done by a local artist. The vase is one of my collected McCoy's. The box I got as a gift a few years back: it's copper with upholstery tacks. The front pic is a thrift store find, a cool illustration from an old book. The candlesticks are a couple I thrifted when I was doing garden totems, and the middle bit is another glass candlestick with a crystal ball perched on top. I picked up the ball at an antique store the year we went to east Texas for our sister's weekend.

And here is the Nester's tablescape. Pretty darn cool, innit? 

The next tablescape is atop the chest in my guest bedroom. I love the individual pieces: the copper lamp I picked up in a junk shop in Mesquite, stripped of all her wiring, shade, etc. The cedar box was a gift from a friend, one of those cool old boxes people used to buy as travel souvenirs. This one has an image on  top with a Russian-esque feel. In the two depression glass dishes I have 1) potpourri my sis Daisy made and 2) some potpourri crystals a friend gave me with another little something I picked up in Washington, some kind of seed or something, you actually think I can remember? And the bowl, well, that's a banana split bowl from the Baker hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas where my mother met my stepfather. I've filled it with old doorknobs, which I dearly love. Oh, and the painting, that I got back in the mid '80s from a flea market kinda place in Dallas. 

Now the after. All I did was add my hub's grandparent's wedding photo and a pic of his father's grade school graduation. It by no means follows the rules Nester laid out (borrowed from The Home Book's tutorial, as inspired by designer David Jimenez). But I like it. So there!
Now, I'm off to make beds and pick up clutter. And maybe I'll change the pine cones in the bowl on the bar to lemons. Yeah, that sounds good.

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