Monday, December 15, 2008

Do you have...

A favorite find? I have a number, but this one's way at the top.

I found it at a junk store in Mesquite, a small town outside of/attached to Dallas. Back then, I had a number of customers in Mesquite, whom I visited quite often, and this junk store was right on the way. I think she visited garage sales on the weekend, marked them up and put them in her shop. This was $3.98. It wasn't in this shape though; I wasn't even sure at first what it was. It looked like a bookend with a thing-a-ma-doodie on top of her head. I'm not sure how long it took to dawn on me that it was the base for a lamp! (Okay, that's admitting I'm stoopid. So now you know.)

There was a store just outside of downtown Dallas something or other. Not sure if it's still there but it was a super cool place. They were just a small house full of neat stuff, but they had a warehouse full across the back alley, and they'd let you go in and rummage. The top floor was all lighting parts and pieces. That's where I found the connections that made her into a lamp. The shade, I know, is not really right, but I've never found the really right one. This one came from eBay a number of years ago. I'd love to find something white and thin and tall--
yunno, kinda like me? Not!
So that's mine. Show me yours!

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